
Equip | Men


Equip | Men

TCLA men’s Ministry

Culture has a lot to say about manhood and masculinity. But what does it mean to be a godly man in an urban, professional, post-Christian environment? TCLA Equip | Men is devoted to connecting, training, and challenging the men of The Commons LA to be all that God has created and called them to be.

2023 Men’s Retreat

Register for the 2023 TCLA Men’s Retreat here! Click the registration button to hold your place at the retreat!

Men’s Mentorship

We believe mentorship is one of the foundational ways we grow as followers of Jesus. We seek relationships that allow others to speak wisdom and life into us as we seek to submit to and follow Jesus together. If you are interested in becoming a mentor or a mentee please click on the “Men’s Mentorship” button below and fill out the form.

What you heard from me... entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
— 2 Timothy 2:2

** Email us at men@thecommonsla.com if you want to stay up-to-date
or find out how you can be involved. **