Foster Ministry

What is the foster mInistry?

At any given time, 30,000 children are in the LA County Foster System because of abuse or neglect. Through local partnerships, TCLA’s Foster Ministry aims to support these families before, during, and after Foster Care. 

What does it look like to be a part of the foster ministry?

We regularly visit a local group home to support kids with friendship, food, and fun activities.  We have a profound impact on the kids and staff by catering meals, taking them on outings, sending them cards, and praying for them. Last month, we built the group home a relaxing outdoor area with a hammock, swings, and seats in the shade. 

Outside of the group home, we help keep kids from entering the system by providing respite care and material donations. We’ve supported foster families in our church and are working to raise up new foster parents. Each year, our volunteers travel to Royal Family Kids Camp as counselors for foster kids. 

In short, being a part of Foster Ministry brings God’s joy and light into a family's darkest hour. 

Volunteer Highlights

Ellesse Wong

“I love working with foster youth because stepping in the gap and providing space for them to have fun and be known is hands-down an honor and gift. In society, these youths may seem a lost cause, but the fact that we show up and want to know them reflects so much of God's unending grace and love for them. We may not ever see the full fruits of what we do, but I trust God will plant the seeds and water them.”

Paul Yoder

“I’m motivated to serve foster youth because I remember how God found me lonely, disoriented, and hopeless and provided for all my needs. Now, it’s a joy to give out of that abundance to kids in the foster care system. Because we don’t serve these kids to get paid or feel good about ourselves, they get evidence that they’re worthy of love from God and the church.”